What we do

Not only do we specialize in painting and stopping, we also offer a wide range of services including:

  • Specialists in new interiors

  • Interior painting

  • Commercial repaints

  • Exterior restoration & repaints

  • Plasterboard Fixing
  • Residential repaints

  • Interior repainting

  • Wallpapering

  • Difficult access jobs

  • Residential & commercial

FSP Team not specialises in plasterboard fixing, stopping and painting as well as interior and exterior painting and wallpapering.

Why choose FSP?

FSP Team not specialises in plasterboard fixing, stopping and painting as well as interior and exterior painting and wallpapering.

Our core business for over 15 years has been painting but with many of our customers also requiring stopping, fixing, and even minor building repairs we offer the complete package.

We have vast experience in all types of indoor and outdoor coatings application, from painting picket fences, multi-unit buildings to large refurbishments. With FSP Team no job is ever too big or too small, plus we can offer the right advice on coating types and styles right through to how to access the difficult or hard to paint areas of your job.

  • Do you need the peace of mind that comes with a professional measure and quote?
  • Do you require the services of a company that has a managed Health & Safety system?
  • Do you need the certainty of a fixed start and finish date?
  • Do you need straightforward advice and a fair price?
  • Do you want the peace of mind that comes with a warranty?

Just contact FSP Team today…

Get in touch to discuss your next project!